The Man in Seat 61
Yours truly, in Eurostar's seat 61... |
Feedback helps keep the site up to date and helps other travellers. If you spot any typos or errors, let me know, I've been staring at these pages for far too long!
If you have a booking problem
- The date of travel is usually crucial, please tell what it is and which website you're using, a screenshot may help.
- 60% of emails I get are about trains not showing up or ticket not available due to trackwork, so see the booking horizon advice first.
I'm an author not a travel agent
- so I don't sell tickets, quote prices, plan trips or critique itineraries;
- But I'll do my best to help if you get stuck with a specific issue or have a question not covered by my site;
I don't allow paid guest posts, I write all my own stuff, and please don't email me about ad networks.
My email address is traininfo [at] or just
If my advice helps you please make a donation, not to me but to the UNICEF children's appeal.
Happy travelling, and remember the Man in Seat Sixty-One's top tip:
"Never travel without a good book and a corkscrew!"
My privacy & data protection policy is here.