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Paris Gare de Lyon:  Location map

One of the most important stations in Paris and the third busiest station in France, the Gare de Lyon is the station for trains heading southeast out of the city, including trains to Dijon, Lyon, Avignon, Marseille, Nice, the French Alps, Switzerland, Italy & Barcelona.  There has been a station here since 1847, although the current station building dates from 1900.  The Gare de Lyon is a classic Parisian landmark and I always relish the chance for a meal, coffee or beer at the fabled Train Bleu restaurant.

small bullet point  Overview & orientation

small bullet point  Hall 1, platforms A to N

small bullet point  Hall 2, platforms 5 to 23

small bullet point  Hall 3, under all the tracks

small bullet point  Ticket office

small bullet point  Salon Grand Voyageur 1st class lounge

small bullet point  Left luggage lockers

small bullet point  Hotels near the station

small bullet point  Tips for using the Gare de Lyon


On other pages

small bullet point  Taking the metro, RER or taxi between stations

small bullet point  Trains from Paris to other European cities

small bullet point  Trains from other European cities to Paris

small bullet point  General information for European train travel

small bullet point  Suggested hotels for a stay in Paris

Overview See station plan

The Gare de Lyon is a terminus with flat level access between the taxi rank, concourse & all platforms, so it's easy to navigate with wheeled luggage.

The station has two separate concourses, known as Hall 1 and Hall 2, see the station plan.  Hall 1 is the original trainshed dating from 1900 housing platforms A to N, Hall 2 is the later extension housing platforms 5 to 23. 

You can find more about the station and its facilities at, also see

View of the Gare de Lyon

The classic facade of the Gare de Lyon of 1900.  The large arched windows above the canopy are those of the Train Bleu restaurant.

If you walk through the entrances in this facade, you'll find yourself in Hall 1, facing platforms A to N.

Hall 1, platforms A to N

This is the original trainshed, dating from 1900.

Paris Gare de Lyon Hall 1, platforms A to N

Hall 1 & platforms A to N seen from the top of the Train Bleu restaurant steps.  Platform A on the left, N on the right.

Note the automatic ticket gates between concourse and platforms.

Hall 1, Gare de Lyon

Looking across Hall 1 concourse, with the steps up to the Train Bleu restaurant out of shot to the left, platforms A to N ahead.  The main departure board is above the Starbucks Coffee kiosk in the centre.  The escalators down to the Metro & RER and behind the hoarding behind the Starbucks kiosk.

Hall 1, Gare de Lyon, steps up to the Train Bleu restaurant

The steps up to the wonderful Train Bleu restaurant, on the back wall of Hall 1.  In 2024, the facade has been renovated but some hoardings remain!

Hall 2, platforms 5 to 23

A later extension, accessed from Hall 1 by walking walking through the ticket hall.

Hall 2 at Paris Gare de Lyon

Looking across Hall 2 with platforms 5 - 23 on the right, platform A behind the camera, the slope down to Hall 3 on the left.

Ticket gates at Paris Gare de Lyon   Using a ticket gate at Paris Gare de Lyon

Automatic ticket gates.  Just scan the barcode on your ticket or phone e-ticket and the gates will let you through.  Note the wider gate for wheelchairs or large luggage.  Gates may shut off a couple of minutes before departure.

Hall 3, underground with access to all platforms

Hall 3 is what they've now decided to call the sprawling underground concourse (a glorified passageway) one floor down from Hall 2 and extending underneath all the tracks.  You can reach Hall 3 by going down escalators from Hall 2, or by going down stairs or escalators from Hall 1 then a short walk.  There are stairs and escalators from Hall 3 up to each platform.  You normally access the platforms and board trains from Hall 1 or Hall 2.  The Salon Grand Voyager and left luggage lockers are in Hall 3, plus a cafe and many ticket machines.

Hall 3 at Paris Gare de Lyon

Looking along Hall 3 underneath all the tracks, platform 5 at one end, platform N at the other.

The main departures board

There is a large colour departure board in the centre of Hall 1 and another in Hall 2 on the far wall.  The photo below shows the one in Hall 1.  The platform number or letter (13, 11, J, C and so on) is shown for departures that are ready for boarding (typically 20 minutes before departure, but it varies).  For departures which are not yet ready for boarding, the board shows whether to wait in Hall 1 (platforms A to N) or Hall 2 (platforms 5 to 23).  Click for larger photo.

Hall 1 departures board at Paris Gare de Lyon

Tickets & reservations

The SNCF ticket office is in the broad passageway linking Hall 1 with Hall 2, parallel with platform A.

There are two sections, Libre Service where you can use a computer terminal to book yourself a ticket, and Conseil, where there is someone to book tickets & passholder reservations for you.  The photo below shows the Conseil entrance, the Libre Service entrance is out of shot to the left.

There is a small Trenitalia ticket office for ticket sales to Lyon, Milan & Italy on Trenitalia services, hidden away in a corner of Hall 1, opposite platform N.

Ticket hall, Paris Gare de Lyon

Salon Grand Voyageur (1st class lounge)

The SNCF Salon Grand Voyageur first class lounge is in the passageway connecting Hall 1 with Hall 2, immediately to the right of the ticket office.  The reception desk is just inside the entrance, the lounge itself is upstairs with windows overlooking platform A, but there are stairs and a lift.

You can use the lounge if you have any sort of 1st class TGV-Lyria international ticket to Switzerland, business premiere or standard premiere, full-price or advance.

For all other routes, you can only use the lounge if either (a) you have SNCF's (or other Railteam members) frequent traveller loyalty card or a full-price 1st class Pro or Business Premiere fare (not a discounted 1st class fare), which you probably won't have.

The lounge is open 05:40-21:00 weekdays, 07:00-20:00 weekends, closed on French national holidays.

Inside the lounge there is comfortable seating, a water cooler and free coffee machine, free WiFi, phone chargers & toilets.

The Man in Seat 61 says, "The lounge can be handy if you qualify to enter, but I still prefer paying for a beer or real coffee at the Train Bleu restaurant Big Ben bar!"

Entrance to Salon Grand Voyageur, Paris Gare de Lyon   Inside the Salon Grand Voyageur, Paris Gare de Lyon

Entrance to Salon Grand Voyageur.


Salon Grand Voyageur, 1st floor. Courtesy Christophe Grafe.

Left luggage lockers

The luggage lockers are in Hall 3, which is one floor down from track level.  Follow the signs to the Consigne.  They're at the extreme platform N end of Hall 3, in the far left corner as you walk along Hall 3 from platform 5 towards platform N.  Expect to have your bags X-rayed at the entrance to the locker room.  You pay with cash for most lockers, but some lockers now take cards.  For opening hours & prices see the left luggage lockers page.

Gare de Lyon left luggage lockers   Inside the luggage office

The left luggage locker room, in the corner at the platform N end of Hall 3.


Inside the locker area...

Hotels near the Gare de Lyon

Hotel Mercure at Paris Gare de Lyon

Mercure Hotel entrance, next to the Gare de Lyon's famous clock tower.  Handy for early train departures!

Tips for using the Gare de Lyon

Big Ben Bar, Paris Gare de Lyon   Train Bleu restaurant

A haven! The Big Ben Bar.  More info here.


A treat! Lunch at the Train Bleu restaurant.  More info here.

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